- 2晚入住 Okinawa Washington Hotel酒店連早餐(占半房)
- 1場平日 The Unimat Golf Club 18洞果嶺費(共用球僮球車,儲物櫃)
- 香港--沖繩來回經濟艙機票乘坐香港快運航空
- 2人以上成行
- 假日打球附加費
- 不包括任何交通費用
- 所有航班安排,以航空公司確認為准.價格如有更改, 恕不另行通知,所有優惠一經付款及確認後,不能作出任何更改或退款.
- 網站所有價格僅供參考,我公司保留最終詮釋和決議權
- 2 nights accommodation (t/s) at Okinawa Washington Hotel with breakfast
- 1 rounds of The Unimat Golf Club with shared caddy and cart, locker on weekday
- R/t air tickets between HK and Okinawa on Hong Kong Express
- Minimum 2 adults traveling together
- Weekend golf surcharge
- Exclude land transfer in above packaged
- All flights are subject to final confirmation.The price is without advance notice if rejigger, all the promotion is non-endorsable and non-refundable once settle the payment.
- All the price just for reference,pls contact us for confirmation .