建議行程安排: |
D4早餐後,酒店專車前往陽光球會,上午08:00am開球,下午直接球會專車送往機場,乘機返回香港.結束愉快建議行程! |
費用包括: |
Included: |
- HK <> Kunming Roundtrip Air ticket .
- 1 round of 18 holes at Sunshine Golf Club (green fee, share caddy &cart , locker , lunch ).
- 2 rounds of 18 holes at Spring City Golf (green fee, share caddy & cart,30 min Golf Training)
- 1 nights accommodation at Harbour Plaza Hotel or Bank Hotel with breakfast base on twin share basic.
- .2 nights accommodation at Spring City Golf with breakfast base on twin share basic.
- Spring City Golf Club < Harbour Plaza Hotel / Bank Hotel < Sunshine Golf Club < Airport < transfer .
- Airport < Spring City Golf Club(Special Transfer by Golf Club).
- 0.3% TLC.
備註:(費用不包括) |
Remarks & Exclude: |
- 4人成團,不足四人需補交通費用。價格有效期至6月30日。
- 費用不包括香港至昆明往返機場稅、燃油稅、保安稅、保險費、單人房附加費、3晚酒店單人房,假日打球附加費及所有正餐和私人費用。
- 機場/球會/酒店/建議行程指定交通之外的一切交通費用。
- 如匯率變動 , 以建議行程確認時匯率為准,此報價只適用於持有香港身份證人士 。
- 所有航班安排,以航空公司確認為准.價錢如有更改,恕不另行通知,
- 網站所有價格僅供參考,我公司保留最終詮釋和決議權。
- Minimum 2 persons travel together. valid to 30 June.
- Price exclude airport tax, fuel charge, security charge, personal insurance, surcharge for 3 night single room and golf at public holiday,dinner and personal consumption,the transport fee without our itinerary (Spring City Golf)
- This itinerary subject to the exchange rate then if any fluctuate ,the Packge price only for golfers are holding HK I.D.card.
- All flights are subject to final confirmation.The price is without advance notice if rejigger,
all the promotion is non-endorsable and non-refundable once settle the payment.
- All the price just for reference,pls contact us for confirmation