- 酒店和球會假日打球有附加費
- 必需兩人以上成行
- 價格不包括機場稅、燃油稅、保安稅、保險費、球童、球車費、更衣櫃、 單人房補房差、假日打球附加費、所有交通費、及所有的正餐用和私人費用 .
- 所有航班安排,以航空公司確認為准.價格如有更改, 恕不另行通知,所有優惠一經付款及確認後,不能作出任何更改或退款.
- 網站所有價格僅供參考,我公司保留最終詮釋和決議權
- Hotel and golf weekend surcharges apply
- Minimum two people traveling together
- Price excluded airport taxes, security charges, fuel surcharges,insurance,caddy,cart, locker,single room surcharge, golf at public holiday,transfer fee, all dinner fee,personel consumption.
- All flights are subject to final confirmation.The price is without advance notice if rejigger, all the promotion is non-endorsable and non-refundable once settle the payment.
- All the price just for reference,pls contact us for confirmation.