航班資料 Flight Information 《港龍航空 Dragonair》

CA106 香港HK -- DLC 大連 Depart 1725 Arrival 2100
CA105 大連DLC -- HK 香港 Depart 1255 Arrival 1625
費用包括 Included:

*1場金石灘球會18洞果嶺,共用球童, 更衣櫃


*3晚新世界五星級酒店住宿(占半房)+ (一份早餐)


* HK <> Dalian Roundtrip Air ticket.

* 1 round 18 holes of Jinshitan Golf Club green fee shared caddy ,locker .

* 1 round 18 holes of XiaLi Golf Club green fee shared caddy & cart, locker .

* 3 nights accomodation at Newworld Hotel
(Share Twin) , 1 Breakfast.

* Levy fee of Travel Industry Council

備注(未包括費用): Remarks:

#2人以上成行,建議行程 。此價格僅適用於平日出發,平日打球使用。


# 單人房附加費,假日打球附加費

# 報價未含建議行程內全程交通費用,景點費用。

# 所有航班安排,以航空公司 確認為准。價錢如有更改,恕不另行通知,所有優惠一經付款及確認後,不能作出任何更改或退款。

# 網站所有價格僅供參考,我公司保留最終詮釋和決議權

#Minimum 2 persons travel together. Sampl trip.

# Price excluded Airport taxes, security charges, fuel surcharges.

# Single room surcharge, golf at public holiday

# Tour exclude Transfer , Admission fee

# All flights arrangements to airlines, whichever is the ultimate confirmation. We would not info if the price change.Once all the concessions and payment confirmation, Unable to make anychanges or refunds.

# All the price just for reference,pls contact us for confirmation
